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NRIG 2024 Scholarships & Grants Program

NRIG is excited to announce the NRIG 2024 Scholarships & Grants Program is now OPEN! We will be accepting applications until April 21, 2024 at midnight. You can find a full list of our scholarships and grants here.

April 29, 2024 UPDATE: We have extended out application deadline and are now accepting applications until May 6, 2024 at 11:29pm.

Questions? Contact Samantha Horvath via email at [email protected]

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NRIG @ RNAO’s Queens Park Dinner

On Wednesday March 1st, Policy and Political Action Officer of NRIG, Simon Donato-Woodger and Communications Officer (Website) of NRIG and Policy and Political Action Officer of Waterloo Chapter, Linda Sheiban Taucar took part in a panel discussion during RNAO’s Queens Park Dinner. They discussed their experience as Policy and Political Action Officers and advocating on nursing-related matters with Members of Provincial Parliament.